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Be Grateful

By November 25, 2013June 25th, 2014Johanna's Corner, Meditation, Nutrition

 Be Grateful 


DSCN1023My 93 year old mom is a careful eater. She does not rush her meals, eat inside the car, dine while watching TV or finish food out of a box. Though showing signs of her age, she is fully aware of the food she is eating. Just like most of us, she eats when hungry and stops when already full.

She treats the food with respect, values its preparation, and appreciates its nourishment it gives the body as well as the flavors and texture that comes from quality food preparation. Every time we go out to eat outside, our dinner would take so long not because the service is slow but because she will always notice if the table was set correctly. Moreover, she will place the napkin on her lap and discuss the need for cloth napkins.

One time on a fried chicken dinner, we were talking about the coating and the frying technique used, the lumps of the homemade Fried chicken on a picnic platemashed potatoes, the coleslaw and the sweetened corn squash. I had to giggle as I read a day of mindful eating with Buddhists at the Blue Cliff Monastery, though they don’t have anything to do with my mother.

This Thanksgiving may be the wonderful time to appreciate and focus on the food you like, prepare and eat. Begin with simple steps, use techniques and easy methods to eat slowly to experience the taste of the food and to enjoy the pleasure of eating.


I suggest these ideas as you begin:

Organic Produce at Farmers Market•           Buy food ingredients at local market. Take some time to talk with vendors and farmers to understand how they bring to your possession the things you need to prepare your food. With these you will also understand the food and appreciate it better.

•           Imagine how the food was being harvested, processed, and loaded into the store. You will understand that all of these were done with utmost care that one mistake in handling would bring the entire process into a stop.

•           When preparing the recipe for the Thanksgiving meal, think about how the food preparation and cooking process has been affected by modern kitchen equipment. It is impossible to cook and prepare food without the running water, the use of refrigerator, the electric appliances, stove and microwave. You should also enjoy the smell of the ingredients being used like the ground cinnamon used in pies. Be conscious of your body motions as you prepare the food.

•           Before eating, remove and turn off the TV, radio, phone and computer. These are distractions in eating. Prepare to eat by quieting your mind and positioning your body for the food you are to receive.

•           Give proper care to your hunger.  Think about what your body needs, what food do you want to eat, what part of your body where you feel the hunger and as your hunger increases do you experience stomach disturbances?

•           Give full attention to the food you are about to eat. When eating, notice the size of the food, its shape and color. You can Fall festival roast turkeyappreciate well by feeling the texture and enjoying the flavor as it is processed in your mouth. Experience the food and enjoy the pleasure it gives you as you notice that your hunger is starting to fade.

•           By the way, you will find out that it is difficult to focus on this level. But it is a working process and progress. Though hard, just continue to be mindful in this eating project. You can focus by setting goals on a weekly manner by increasing the number of meals and time you use to practice.

This holiday season, be there at your meals by focusing on the food you select and by the way you eat your food. This practice can be a huge thing in changing your approach to food, changing the way you enjoy and value the food.

NOTE:  If Thanksgiving Day is too early and hard for you to begin this mindful eating project then you are free to choose another date in November.

Johanna Oosterwijk

Johanna Oosterwijk








Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

Johanna Oosterwijk

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