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Chakra Balancing, Restoring the Holistic Person.

Happy Mid January to each of you.  Here we are mid way through this month already.  I am trusting that each of you are committed to being about the business of leading healthier lives for 2012.

One of the ways to lead a healthy life is to have balanced Chakras.
It is my pleasure to give a brief description of what Chakras are for those of you who may be hearing this word for the first time.
Chakras were first recorded in Hindu texts in the Sanskrit language.  Tantric and Yoga disciplines have used the chakra system since before the time of Buddha.  Balancing or restoring harmony within the body’s chakras are the foundation of many energy healing modalities.  Chakras are energy centers in the mid line of our physical bodies. The word Chakra means “Wheel”.  I think of them as a gyroscope.
There are seven major Chakras.  The seven Chakras each serve as a center of concentration related to the entire holistic person.  Meaning each one is responsible for the harmony of our spiritual, physical, emotional and mental energies. When wellness practitioners talk about healing, treating or providing therapies to the holistic person, it includes our spiritual, physical, emotional and mental energies. Many practitioners refer to the discipline of treating holistically as the Mind, Body, and Spirit connection.
Since ancient times, around the world it has been common practice to treat each of these areas when a person was ill.  This practice is just coming into its own here in the U.S.  Many health practitioners have begun to realize that you can’t treat an illness only in the physical realm. Our mind is not isolated from the body and our Spirit is not isolated from our mind.  Often when we are ill, or unbalanced in one area it bleeds over to the other two areas.  We have to look at the ENTIRE person.

Each Chakra has very specific duties when it comes to maintaining a balance between all of our holistic energies, including being responsible for the various organ systems and immune systems in our body. There are 7 distinct colors that represent each chakra.
Over the next several blog posts I will work through each chakra.  It is important to note that the use of, and even the existence of Chakras does not line up with western evidence based medicine. I am trusting that one day technology will catch up and we will be able to record evidence of chakras.   I am going to start with the root chakra.

Root Chakra – You want me to ground my WHAT???”

The root Chakra is also known as the First Chakra, or the Base Chakra. The root Chakra is found at the base of your spine which is known anatomically as the coccyx bone.  The primary color that represents the Root Chakra is red.  The secondary color is black.  It is in the Root Chakra that survival instinct resides.  This chakra is also responsible for giving you adding pep to your step.  Vitality for life flows through the Root Chakra.
The Root Chakra is responsible for the health of the adrenal glands, kidneys, spinal column and leg bones.  Foods to keep the Root Chakra energized are proteins, any red food, and various veggies. The redder the better.  The scent of cedar and clove are good to use as aroma therapies that cater to a healthy root chakra.  I have put clove oil in a light diffuser to fill my mediation room with the scent when I know that I am in need to restore harmony to my root chakra.  Cedar scented wood blocks or candles also provide comforting aroma therapy for this chakra.
The most important aspect of the Root Chakra, at least in my opinion is the grounding ability that flows through it to my spiritual and emotional elements.  If I feel that my thoughts are racing, or that I can’t get a grip on prioritizing the most immediate needs for the day, I just spend a few minutes focusing on my root chakra.
One of my passions in life is my hobby in ceramics.  I am a potter. I have enjoyed this hobby for three years. I love getting my hands in the clay and making ceramics for my family and friends to enjoy.  A few months ago I discovered the element of the root chakra is earth.  It made perfect sense to me that working in clay is such a grounding, relaxing experience. Just a few minutes on the pottery wheel is worth an hour of meditation for me. It is also satisfying as I make accessories that add to the peaceful, focused atmosphere that I believe is a priority for my home.
Last semester I made ceramic luminaries that represent each chakra symbol.  When I need to spend time balancing my root chakra, I will light a candle within the root chakra luminary, I spray the room with clove oil and I sit very still, imagining the wheel of my root chakra spinning in perfect balance, just as a gyroscope does.  I have an affirmation that I say to myself.  I found it a few years ago when I was looking up chakra symbols for my very first pottery project.

“As I focus on this red light that radiates from my base chakra, I know that I am of good health and sound mind. I stand in my strength and in my truth. I forgive myself for neglecting my body in the past. I now love every part of my body; every cell is filled with energy and power. I no longer judge my beautiful self and I accept my greatness with all that I am. I now choose to have thoughts that add to my life, thoughts of love, compassion, harmony and peace. I sleep in peace, I awaken in bliss and I enjoy living! I lovingly acknowledge, accept and appreciate.”

There are many affirmations on the internet. If saying an affirmation is too much for you, the Mantra that correlates to the Root Chakra is the sound OM.  Saying it slowly, over and over will bring stillness to your presence of mind.  As with any discipline, this is a habit that can be built upon and practice DOES make perfect.
I am a 3rd semester nursing student.  I often feel the pressure of exam stress, project deadlines and clinical rotations, not to mention the responsibilities I have at home.  So many times throughout this journey I have felt as if my to-do list was a mile long and each task deserved to be at the top of the list.  It is vital for my health, and well being, (not to mention my loved ones who will bear the brunt of me being out of balance), that I take a few moments to ground myself each day.
If I am away from home and not able to spend time concentrating over the root luminary, I simply go for a walk.  I walk slow, breathing in and out deeply.  It does not take very long before I feel my energy being restored. Focus and clarity of priorities has been made clear, and I can get on with my day in such a way that goes beyond merely surviving. Walking in nature is a restorative use of time that will quickly re-center our being and allow us to think with clarity.
It is important for us to fuel our bodies with good nutritious food in order to maintain head to toe well being.  Everything depends on the fuel we provide for our bodies.  What we eat is evidence of how much we love and respect our bodies. The more we live what we believe, the more our chakra energies will be in balance. However planning a healthy meal can be so time consuming that many of us will opt to just stop and pick up something quick an easy on the way home from work.
Honoring the desire that many of you have to eat food that is healthier for you, Anna Love, the dietitian at Shambhala Wellness, is offering a valuable service.  Meal planning delivered right to your email.  This plan includes your shopping list. For more info go to

I welcome your comments and shared experiences with the Root Chakra.
It is my desire that we all join in a more grounded life experience.

By Melanie Whyte

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