Polarity Therapy

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What is Polarity Therapy?

Polarity therapy, or polarity balancing, is a form of energy therapy based on the belief that changing your body’s electromagnetic field can treat various bodily issues. Dr. Randolph Stone, an osteopath, chiropractor, and naturopath, developed this form of alternative medicine in 1947

Polarity therapy is a holistic based “energy medicine” therapy. It is one of the first forms of energy medicine. This therapy is based on the three principals: energy movement – positive, negative and neutral charges –  and balancing if the five elements ( ether, air, fire, water and earth).

The body like the earth has a positive and a negative magnetic pole. The earth has a north and a south pole. The body have a positive and a negative pole.

This is how we perceive the body in Polarity Therapy

  1. The upper part of the body is Positive, the lower part is Negative.
  2. The front side is Positive, the back side is Negative
  3. The right side is Positive, the left side is Negative

How do we correct the imbalances and blockages with Polarity?

When a person comes in with a blockage or health issue, the polarity practitioner uses some of his own energy to realign the magnetic fields and may include a massage, acupressure or reflexology. This will release the blockages and restore the polarity back in the body. This is different from Reiki energy healing where you tap into the Universal energy to correct the blockages. 

Polarity treatment session $75.

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