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Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Up Close

EFT- Up Close…

tapping-1Every day there is a challenge to be faced.  For some of us, just waking up and going to school or work. Others studying for an exam or picking up their kids after school and bringing them to  their sports or piano lesson. A few of us enjoy life as it comes but no matter how optimistic we are about the things that happen to us, some avoidable situations just arise. Problems with family, relationships, jobs and sometimes issues within us occur in spite of all the caution and carefulness we take. Stress is a challenge whether you’re young or old. Somehow, for some people stress makes them stronger and mindful of themselves. However, others just can’t cope properly.  They fail to release their negative emotions, keep them inside, thus causing them greater conflicts and illness.

Many people do not give much importance to their emotional health. They take everything for granted just because their physical health is fine. What they don’t know is emotional health is just as important. Healthy lifestyle, exercise and proper diet are essential but emotional health is also an aspect of health which should not be overlooked.

One of the methods to deal with emotional stress is Emotional Freedom technique (EFT). EFT is a psychological acupressure and a self-help method.tapping-2

Learning about EFT

There are two basic areas in utilizing EFT. First is the proper tapping locations and the techniques itself and second is the positive affirmation. Learning EFT is simple by following a few instructions. It is essential that you follow the prescribed techniques to be able to produce successful results.

Basically, as researches have proven that, “The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption to the body’s energy system.” The statement implies that any traumatic memory happened to any person has an effect to the body, particularly with the emotions. So in EFT, it tries to fix the body’s energy system which has been disrupted.


The fingertips have a number of acupuncture meridians which makes EFT tapping produce positive impact to the body’s pressure points. Typically, the fingertips on middle and index finger are used. It is done only by one hand. It doesn’t matter which side you will use as it produces the same effects. Just switch hands if you are tired.


In performing the EFT tapping, remove you glasses watches or bracelets during the procedure as it will interfere with the tapping. Tap solidly but not hurting yourself. The sequence is also essential. You have to memorize the sequence from top to bottom. Five to seven times is recommended in tapping a location


1. Top of Headtapping3
2. Eye Brow
3. Side of the Eye
4. Under the Eye
5. Under the Nose
6. Chin
7. Collar Bone
8. Under the Arm
9. Wrists



EFT affirmation statements are all about helping the person himself accept himself. All his limitations, frustrations, restrictions, boundaries and negative emotions towards himself are acknowledged here.

In performing this method you must:

  • Choose the correct affirmation suited to you
  • Reflect on yourself the real problem
  • Speak the affirmation with energy, eagerness and passion 


  1. Tapping can be done simultaneously with vocalizing your affirmations. You can also utilize the “reminder phrase” where in words or a phrase will remind you the problem you are working on.
    1. In performing EFT tapping and affirmations, you must keep hydrated because water conducts electricity and with EFT, it targets the body’s electrical energy.
    2. You can vocalize your affirmative statements any time when you waking up, go to bed, or any time during the day. But the most important time to tap and say your affirmative statements is when going to bed. You may want to incorporate a prayer into EFT.
    3. Do EFT ten times per day. It can also be done by facing the mirror.
    4. Be careful with your words.

The basic EFT phrase: “Even though I have this______, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Then, you can substitute it yourself. Here are some examples: airplane

Even though I have this fear of flying, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I have this anger towards myself, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I have this craving to food, I deeply and completely accept myself.

The main concept of EFT is to treat one self. You can determine the problem within yourself and do something about this yourself. It gives you the autonomy for your own well-being. EFT has been shown to resolve many issues in life brought about by negative and traumatic events in our lives. EFT teaches us that in every problem, there is always a solution and that solution starts with our own selves.

If you need more personal help, you can contact Adrianna, EFT practitioner who can help you with your emotional issues.

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