Is your body balanced and grounded?
Since the beginning of time, there have always been direct contact between humans and the earth. However, this changed when the modern lifestyle (beds and shoes) took over. Yes, the modern lifestyle has enabled us to live more comfortably, but it has disconnected us from the primordial source, which is essential for our wellness and health.
About Earth’s electrical charge

The surface of the earth is full of negative charges and provides a constant supply of free electrons. These free electrons are a result of the global atmospheric conditions. Moreover, these electrons are part of the earth’s energy and are transferred or absorbed to all living things that have direct contact with the earth.
You’ve probably heard someone saying that walking barefoot on the beach is relaxing. Well, that is true. Walking barefoot on the earth contributes to increased feelings of well-being, improved relaxation, and stress relief. That’s just the tip of the iceberg, as there are more effects of walking barefoot or reconnecting with earth on the body that positively influences several physiological processes.
The body is a good conductor of electricity. All the chemical reactions that occur in your body are electrical in nature; for instance, transfer of impulses along the nerves is electrical in nature. Another case is during cardio-pulmonary resuscitation whereby an electrical charge is sent to the heart in an attempt to return it to the normal electrical rhythm.
Grounding or “earthing.”
Grounding is one of the most important part of balancing your body. As earlier stated, the earth has negative charges and its always electron rich; therefore, the earth can “work” with your body. That is, there will be a constant flow of energy or charges between you and the earth. That particularly happens when you put your feet on the ground as negative charges will be absorbed in your body via the soles of your feet.

The effect brought by the earth “working” with your body is enough to maintain your body at the same negative charge as the earth. This process is referred to as grounding or “earthing.” Grounding is one of the potent antioxidants known and can reduce inflammation, relieve pain, enhance wellbeing, and improve sleep.
How do you reconnect?
Most hours are spent wearing shoes with plastic soles or rubber. These materials are effective insulators; therefore, they effectively disconnect you from natural electron flow from the earth. If you can’t put your shoes aside, consider leather-soled shoes as they allow one to stay grounded with the surface of the earth.
Walking barefoot is considered as the far most effective way of reconnecting with the earth’s electrical charge. However, this will be effective enough if you do so on the proper surface. Some of the perfect grounding surfaces include:
- Bare soil
- Ceramic Tile
- Moist grass
- Concrete and brick that is not painted or sealed
- Sand (preferably on the beach)
Some of the surfaces that are not effective for grounding include:
- Wood
- Tarmac or tar
- Asphalt
- Vinyl
- Plastic and rubber
Like exercising, getting the right amount of sleep, and eating right, reconnecting with the earth’s electrical charge can be described as a lifestyle habit that supports optimal health. This is backed and supported by prominent doctors around the globe.
For you to achieve this, simply make it your habit to take your shoes off as much as you can when you are outdoors. When you are indoors, use a grounding sheet or pad to remain grounded while sleeping or doing house chores.