The bay leaf originates from the sweet bay tree. It’s commonly used for culinary purposes because of its distinct flavor and fragrance. However, it is removed from the cooked before serving the food. So, the big question here is why should you add the leaf to your dishes if you are only going to remove it from the dish before eating? In this article, we will answer that question and go ahead and discuss the health benefits of bay leaf.

What is bay leaf?
There are many types of plants with leaves referred to as “bay leaves.” However, the true bay leaf is scientifically known as Laurus Nobilis. The leaves have a sharp and bitter taste that is why it’s recommended for one not to eat them.
The bay leaves can be used as a spice to flavor stews and soups after grinding the leaves. Moreover, they are added in the whole form as a flavoring for several Italian dishes and then used as a garnish or removed.
Health benefits
Apart from flavoring our dishes, the bay leaves have a ton of health benefits. They include;
- Improves digestion
Bay leaves can stimulate urination by acting as a diuretic; therefore, decreasing the toxicity of the body and also stimulating vomiting when you consume something toxic. Nevertheless, the organic compounds present in bay leaves are very effective for soothing irritable bowel syndrome and settling upset stomachs. The unique enzymes found in bay leaves are capable of digesting the complex proteins found in our diets.
- Treats respiratory condition
The essential oil present in bay leaves can help alleviate various respiratory conditions, when mixed into a salve. Its essential oil can also be spread on the chest and still get the same effect. Inhaling the vapor also gives a similar effect to aromatherapy and helps to loosen up phlegm and eliminate harmful bacteria that can be trapped in the respiratory tracts.

- Prevents cancer
The combination of organic compounds and antioxidants in bay leaves helps to protect your body from effects of free radicals. Free radicals lead to mutation of healthy cells into cancerous cells which is bad to your body.
- Protects heart health
Rutin and caffeic acid present in bay leaves enhance our heart health. Rutin helps to strengthen capillary walls in the heart and the body’s extremities. On the other hand, caffeic acid helps to eliminate ‘bad’ cholesterol from the cardiovascular system.
- Manages diabetes
Lastly, bay leaves are directly connected with regulated blood sugar leaves and insulin receptor function. Regular consumption of bay leaves can significantly help to lower the chances of diabetic episodes, especially for patients who have already developed the condition.
Final Thoughts
Are bay leaves healthy for you? Yes, they are. One thing to remember is that different plants have the bay leaves. That means that only the true bay leaf will give you all the health benefits. On top of that, if you are allergic to Lauraceae family, then you’re likely to have an allergic reaction if you use bay leaves. However, in the long run, bay leaves make a great addition to your diet.