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EFT Tapping and its benefits

EFT Tapping – how it works and its benefits

EFT tapping pointsOver the past centuries, people have invented ways to bring relief and improvement in their lives. Many involve use of exotic techniques, which are still used today, and are one of the most effective healing treatments, such as acupuncture and acupressure. However, there is one new technique, which not only helps healing the physical state, but also the emotional state of a being. This new method is known as Emotional Freedom Techniques, or more commonly known as EFT Tapping.

The sole purpose of EFT Tapping is to target the emotional condition of the person. This is because a large part of physical healing or improvement depends on the emotional state. It is known that even in the most common cases such as physical wounds or chronic pains; the instability of the emotional state has a great effect on the healing potential of the body. EFT Tapping can also be applied directly to the physical parts for quick relief, but the best results are obtained when the emotional aspect is targeted also. EFT thrives on the fact that emotional peace can bring complete peace within the body. The more stable the emotional state, the greater the body is at peace. EFT can also be used to get rid of post traumatic states, in order to help one get ready to face upcoming challenges in life.

How EFT works

EFT owes most of its success to some of the techniques from the Chinese meridian system. EFT makes use of the physical benefits from the acupuncture techniques, and combines it with cognitive and conventional therapy in order to perform a physical and emotional treatment.

Instead of using needles, such as in acupuncture, the EFT Tapping method uses a special prong EFT tapping pointsprocess where the mind is first ‘tuned in’ to the issues being faced, and then making use of the meridian pressure points on the body by tapping them with fingertips. When done properly, it acts as an effective treatment, and would also be much less time consuming, as compared to conventional therapy, which may take even months or years to show results. The process is extremely easy to remember, and can be performed at anytime, anywhere.

The process has become a huge success because of an experiment carried out over 5000 years ago, by a Chinese who discovered the system of energy circuits, or meridians, that were flowing within the human body. The purpose of EFT is to strike those meridians in a way that would trigger the change in the emotional or physical state of a person. Acupuncture also uses the same principle, but in EFT, instead of pushing needles through one’s skin, (which is a very complex and delicate process), one can simply tap the pressure points, while concentrating the emotions as well, in order to trigger the change in both physical and emotional aspects.


  1. Acupuncture only relieves the physical ailments whereas EFT tapping helps in achieving emotional stability as well.
  2. As the emotional problems within the body (such as anger, fear, guilt, trauma, etc.) are cleared, the physical issues that a person may be facing also begin to fade with time.
  3. EFT Tapping makes no use of needles, or any painful techniques, and is one of the safest methods to perform.
  4. It is an easy to learn step-by-step process, and is a do-it-yourself method.
  5. This does not require any special position, e.g. acupuncture requires one to be lying down.
  6. It does not only repair the emotional state, but also makes one ready to face the challenges ahead with a daring attitude.

EFT tapping pointsEFT is a mysterious yet very effective way of healing physical and emotional wounds. It has many benefits over the traditional meridian techniques, and has also become one of the most successful exotic forms of treatments available, as it not only helps one get rid of physical issues, but also helps unlock the full untapped potential of the human body, at both physical and emotional levels.


Johanna Oosterwijk, ND

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