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New dietary guideline for using sugar

By January 21, 2016January 25th, 2016Nutrition, Stress Management


New dietary guideline for using sugar


obese, dietFinally after the wait of 5 years, the US government released its latest dietary guidelines, which are basic guidelines compiled using research on nutrition from some of the most prestigious labs in America under supervision of the U.S. departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services.

This year, the US government has advised all US citizens to consume a constant amount of sugar each day, around 10 percent of their daily calorie intake to be precise. Over the years, nutritionists have taken note that the average American consumes over 20 teaspoons of sugar daily, and in order to adapt to the change, he/she must limit their intake to no more than 12 teaspoons per day.

One of the major epidemics arising in the US is the increasing amount of obesity. People have been consumingSugar Doughnuts. dangerously high amounts of sugar, which has led their bodies to grow uncontrollably, leading to further conditions such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. It has also been observed that even the people who are not obese are at a higher risk of developing such conditions if they consume to much sugar.

The US government had also laid out the possible alternatives, which included greater consumption of healthy items such as fiber and whole grains, while limiting the amount of daily salt.

Now is the time to start taking care of your body. We have now a new nutritionist in our office who can test your DNA and find out what food you should eliminate from your diet.

Johanna Oosterwijk ND


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