Judy Wimmer TIYT, E-RYT 200
Level 2 Usui Reiki

I have always been drawn to the relationship between the mind, the spirit and the body. I am
fascinated by the way different cultures view the relationship between these three fundamental
components of being human. In the world of healing, I believe no matter where you start, the
other two will benefit as well.
The work I do attends to the physical body. In the west, we have come to view the body as
somehow subordinate to the mind. The mind gives the direction “wake up, got to work, eat,
etc…” and the body follows the order. We tend to pay attention to the body only when it stops
doing what we want it to do. I believe that there is a different way to be in relationship with our
My training in Trauma Informed Yoga Therapy has shown me that the body, even after years of
being disconnected through trauma and all its related consequences, can return to a place of
safety, and support us as we navigate our lives. My work as a reiki practitioner has shown me
that the body responds whenever it is offered kind, loving energy and support.
Somatic Yoga is a practice that invites us to reconnect the body to the mind and spirit through
breath work, mindful awareness and postures. Together, we create a safe space to explore this
relationship. This is not about perfecting a pose, or looking a certain way. Somatic Yoga is
about connection, not performance or perfection. As such, it can be of great benefit for those
who are dealing with anxiety, trauma, addiction, eating disorders and body dysmorphia.
I offer private sessions for both Yoga and Reiki. I offer group classes for Somatic Yoga. If you
are interested in how Somatic Yoga or Reiki can support you, please contact me. I am happy to
schedule a 15 minute consult at no charge.