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Yoga, The Miracle of Mental Healing

By September 19, 2013June 25th, 2014Reiki, Stress Management, Yoga

Yoga: The Miracle of Mental Healing

Yoga silhouette in temple

Almost everyone knows that Yoga came from India but they don’t know that it’s very old and some experts suggest that it began around 7 or 8000 B.C. Almost everybody is aware of the many healing and other benefits of Yoga but they don’t fully understand why it requires the person practicing it to quiet their minds. Yoga is a method developed in ancient India and is considered as a mental projection of healing the physical body. Despite its many healing benefits yoga has not been officially considered as a cure or preventive maintenance medical procedure by both the mainstream scientific and medical community.

Spanning over 10,000 years or maybe even longer, there have been various forms of yoga. Among them include White Lotus Yoga, body, mind, soul, spirit and you on blackboardJivamukti Yoga, Anusara Yoga, Viniyoga, Kripalu, Vinyasa, Bikram Yoga, Hatha, Integral Yoga, Restorative Yoga, ISHTA, Iyengar Yoga, Ashtanga (or Astanga) Yoga, Kali Ray TriYoga, Kundalini, Power Yoga, Sivananda Yoga, Ananda Yoga and Svaroopa Yoga. As many as the number of yoga techniques have been developed over thousands of years, so too are their purposes and it can include relaxation, channel your inner spirituality, exercise and many more. Mainstream scientists are somewhat skeptical about the many benefits of yoga, but so far all who have undergone the therapy have positively benefited from it.

Benefits of Yoga

Happy Yoga WomenYoga has a wide range of benefits especially in minimizing stress as well as the general health & wellness of the human body. It even has rejuvenating properties that rivals or even surpasses that of its cosmetic surgery counterpart and it’s cheaper too! They say that laughter is the best medicine and that it prolongs life, well lately laughing yoga has become popular among elderly folks across America and it should be as rough estimates suggest that elderly people lived a few years more than originally expected – even those who were under medication and/or have had diseases. It’s almost hard to believe that all this incredible power comes from your mind or the soul as some would refer to it.

Mind Over Matter

Famous inventor Nicola Tesla once said that if scientists studied the spiritual aspect of the universe instead of just focusing on the physical, then it would make grander achievements in 10 years than all what it had accomplished in the 21st century. Unfortunately, scientists didn’t understand what he was saying despite the obviousness of his words, instead spiritual gurus did. How is this so? Well, it’s simple, Tesla was actually talking about the mind/soul/spirit and he too believed that the universe has this essence and it is also probably alive and a sentient being no less. The idea maybe preposterous but I would like to point out that scientists are on the lookout for dark energy or dark matter, which most experts believe is the universe’s soul or spirit.

Why aren’t Medical Doctors and Other Scientists Consider Yoga as a Cure?

Unfortunately, modern science is as stubborn and strict as its requirements are and worse the two fields are pursuing knowledge in opposite extremes and may never be reconciled, even though there have been instances where yoga was quantified and verified by Chakra energyscientific methods. Perhaps in the future mainstream science will change its mind about the healing properties of yoga and accept it as a bona fide cure for chronic pains and illnesses that will no longer require a medication or pill in order to deal with it. The good thing about science is that it doesn’t have an ego and it changes its opinion on a certain subject matter once it has been proven as scientific fact. We’ve seen this happened several times throughout history and maybe one day if science discovers dark matter and proves its existence, then maybe it will be able to confirm the chakra energy that powers yoga.

We hope to see you in one of our Yoga classes. Look at our schedule for dates and times.

Johanna Oosterwijk

Johanna Oosterwijk


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