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By January 2, 2019January 29th, 2019Healing, Health, Prevention

It is a disease with the scientific name Spirochete Borrelia, and it’s primarily viewed as a tick-borne illness. The disease spreads when a tick carrying Lyme bites you. The most common sign of the disease is the “bullseye” rash which spreads around the area bitten by the tick. However, for some people, they may not see the rash. Other initial symptoms of Lyme disease include flu-like pains and aches.

Failure to treat the disease at an early stage, it may cause the disease to progress into more chronic conditions such as memory problems, arthritis, numbness or weakness, headaches, severe fatigue, and sore joints or muscles. The Lyme disease is a serious concern and should be avoided then monitored closely. So, how do you treat the Lyme disease?

Treating the Lyme disease

Prevention is the key to treating Lyme disease. Yes, you can avoid the chronic symptoms of the disease; however, the treatment and symptoms of Lyme is a challenge. One way to treat the Lyme disease is by use of pure organic  essential oils.

Essential oils

For several years, strong antibiotics have been used to “cure” Lyme. However, this was not successful because of the presence of biofilms and the ability of spirochete bacteria burrowing into the cell walls. Also, constant use of antibiotics meant that essential “good” bacteria in the gut microbiome are eliminated. It led to the suffering of the immune system and the body falling out of balance.

The dangers of strong antibiotics led to doctors turning to natural treatments for treating Lyme. Essential oils are one of the natural treatments for Lyme. In plants, essential oils play a vital role in their immune system. These oils allow the plant to heal from bacterial and viral infections and minimize environmental damage

The good news about essential oils is that they play a similar role in the human body. One of the reasons for this is that we have similar basic chemistry as certain plants; therefore, these oils are compatible with our biochemistry. It means these oils can heal us in the same way to plants.

These oils contain anti microbials that can prevent or kill further growth of microbes. These anti microbials can also prevent the Lyme disease from spreading and growing in our body. These oils also reduce the risk of chronic infections. They achieve this by;

  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Fighting the bacteria
  • Soothing inflammation and irritation
  • Alleviating discomfort and pain
  • Boosting antioxidant production
  • Detoxification of the body

Why use essential oils to treat Lyme

Essential oils have been used for centuries because the can fight almost everything. These oils have been commonly used for mental concerns like anxiety and depression. Other people use them for arthritis and allergies.

The benefits of using essential oils for treating Lyme disease is that it contains anti microbial that can kill bacteria found in Lyme without causing resistance to it. Make sure they are pure organic essential oils such as doTERRA and Young Living Oils.

Common pure essential oils used to treat Lyme

Some of the common essential oils include cinnamon oil, oregano oil, thyme oil, and tea tree oil. Some oils can be beneficial when treating the Lyme because of their functions. They include;

  • Vetiver – used for focus
  • Chamomile – used for relaxation and mood
  • Citrus – used for antimicrobial as well as for energizing the body


In life, we can do all we can and out of nowhere the worst happens. Lyme disease can strike you at any time and if you are unable to prevent it, then try to cure the disease. Essential oils provide us with natural ways of treating the disease as well as its chronic conditions. Yes, there can be alternative methods of treating the disease, but having a bottle of essential oil in your medicine cabinet causes no harm as it can be useful to you in the long-run.

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