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Eat Real Food to Stay Healthy

By April 8, 2014December 18th, 2014Life/Wellness Coaching, Nutrition, Yoga

Eat Real Food

Healthy LifeMost people, especially women, are afraid of carbs but the reality of the situation is that you need about 1200 calories of carbohydrates each day for your regular activities. For people who are into sports or have an overactive lifestyle need up to 2000 calories a day. Well just because you’re already above 40, doesn’t mean you need to cut down on your carb intake. In fact you’ll need to maintain it at 1200 calories a day in order to get by and of course you’ll also need all the greens, fruits, dairy products and a little oil.

Take Olga Kotelko for example, she’s a retired schoolteacher from West Vancouver, Canada Senior couple running together on a track in a stadium.and she’s 94 years old and yet 17 years back when she was 77, she was still able to compete in the “masters” track and field competition, for participants age 35 and over! Nine years ago she got almost 20 world records in a single year and she was already 85 years old at that time, mind you. Today she can still do high jumps and long jumps and she’s even competitive at it sometimes. 

If you’re dying to find out what Olga’s secret is, then here is a list of her average daily food intake:

  • She has very few or no processed food in her cupboards
  • She does eat carbs but not too much to make her fat though
  • She eats toasted bread in the morning and during her lunch time
  • She tops it with cheese and honey and some vegetable salad to go with it
  • She likes her meat and she likes it medium-rare
  • And she also chomp down on a hotdog and gulp down some beer whenever she goes to see a baseball game 

Food for thoughtWell, you will find Olga’s eating habits not in synch with the average 20-year old American woman or any woman for that matter as most teens today had this misconception in their minds that skipping meals is cool. However, the truth is very far from that notion because you’ll actually need a balanced diet to become healthy and not the opposite of that. The problem with most people these days is that they equate the phrase “balanced diet” to skipping meals or similar activities. The fact of the matter is that you’ll need the 16 amino acids daily plus over a thousand calories of carbs and water to make the ideal human body, anything less or beyond this is unhealthy.

Forget about the fats in your body because once you start to sweat it out, then your muscles get toned out and your unwanted body fat will learn to know its place. You will get the exact kind of physique you want and more than that you’ll be healthier than ever. Continue this habit throughout your lifetime and if you also find new scientifically proven ways to get fit, then adapt to them and you will be as healthy and fit as Olga even when you’ll reach 94!

Johanna Oosterwijk

Johanna Oosterwijk

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