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Sound Vibration Reiki Energy Healing


Reiki Practitioners:


Johanna Oosterwijk: 940-380-8728    Book an appointment   (no NEW clients; only existing clients)
Kimberly Bradford: 940-765-8994 (Reiki Healing)
Mark Michalica: 940-484-6275 (Energy Balancing)

What is Reiki healing?

Reiki involves the transfer of energy from practitioner to patient and helps to enhance the body’s natural ability to heal itself through the balancing of energy centers called Chakras. Reiki utilizes specific techniques for restoring and balancing the natural life force energy within the body. It is a holistic, natural, hands-on energy healing system that touches on all levels: body, mind, and spirit.  Reiki  utilizes specific technologies for restoring and balancing the natural life force energy within the body. It is a holistic, natural, hands-on energy healing system that touches on all levels: body, mind and spirit. Today more and more people are discovering what Reiki is and how they can use its simple applications in their daily lives.

Tuning Fork Sound Healing

Sound healing conducted with the Chakra tuning forks provides an overall feel-good sensation, while also helping to clear stuck energies throughout your body and biofield, the energy field that surrounds and permeates your body.

Sound healing has been proven to alleviate all manner of physical and emotional imbalances, including fibromyalgia, digestive issues, autoimmune disorders, PTSD, and its symptoms of grief, anger, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and insomnia, as well as Parkinson’s disease, autism, and more. It also provides a noticeable boost to the immune system.

Tuning Fork Therapy is a gentle, non-invasive acoustic therapy. This sound and vibrational therapy help balance the energy of your body. By moving along specific energy centers, the tones can help smooth out the incoherent patterns to restore a more balanced harmonious state of being.

The idea that sound affects the health of the mind and body is not new. Sound therapy is one of a growing number of subtle-energy therapies that make up the field of vibrational medicine.

The Benefits of Sound Therapy

  • Reduce stress and anxiety significantly.
  • Lower anger and blood pressure.
  • Improve circulation and increases blood flow.
  • Deep relaxation and pain relief.
  • Chakra balancing.
  • Increase mental and emotional clarity.
  • Promote stillness, happiness and well being

What to Expect During a Reiki Healing Session

You will be asked to lay down on a massage table fully clothed. It is best to choose loose-fitting clothing on the day of your appointment.

The Reiki practitioner serves as a channel to bring healing energies where they are most needed. Reiki’s energies flow out of the practitioner’s hands while they are touching the recipient’s body.  You may feel warmth extending from the practitioners hands, tingling on your skin or nothing at all. It depends how sensitive you are.

Before the Reiki healing, the practitioner checks the status of your chakra’s. She uses the Tuning Forks to clear stuck energy in the field, Chakra’s and area around the body.
During the Reiki healing session the practitioner will place his/her hands lightly on different parts of your body or above your body in the aura field. Each position is held for 2 to 5 minutes before moving on to the next.  Reiki energies flow where they are suppose to. Reiki energy flows automatically to the area in the body where the imbalances are regardless of where the practitioner’s hands are placed.  

Schedule a session with Johanna now. Fee: $75. (50 Minutes) No new clients at this time.

We are offering classes on a regular base during the year. Watch our calendar. 


“Last week our dear daughter April booked me a session with Reiki Master Johanna Oosterwijk N.D. at the Shambhala Wellness Center here in Denton. April has gone there herself and she said it did a world of good for her. So, my sweetie/Malcolm paid for me to have a session. 🥰😁
I layed on a State of the Art Biomat of Amethysts. Which was warm and soothing. Amethysts have piezoelectric properties, allowing them to carry both a negative and a positive charge simultaneously. The amethyst amplify these rays which are then capable of safely penetrating the body as deeply as seven inches to help heal the body. Now I quoted all of that from the brochure, but I wanted to give you some info regarding all of this. 👍😁
Anyhoo, Dr. Johanna read me quite well and ‘Perfect’!! She said that it was hard for me to relax and I have to be in control of everything. Yeap, that’s me alright! LOL 🙃😉 And I explained to her that it all started when I was a teenager, being the ‘Oldest Sibling’ and having to help take care of my younger siblings!!! One has to be in control, like putting sister Sandy’s nose in the corner alot!!! LOL Then from there just in general having to take care of everyone else, etc. etc. etc.!! She did say that she could read that I had a ‘Good’ and ‘Caring’ Heart & Soul’!! Thank you Dr. Johanna for your ‘Kind Words’!!! But, I had to release a lot of ‘Negativity’ that was in my body making me sick. And so we did,
I did get really sick that night. She said that I would be releasing all of those toxins out of my body.
And guess what? The pain that had been under my ribcage for a long time. It was gone!!!! No more ‘Pain’!!! Hallelujah!!! Thank you, Jesus and Dr. Johanna, April, and my Sweetheart!!! I really have felt ‘Better’ since my session with Dr. Johanna. I ‘Highly Recommend that you all have such a ‘wonderful Experience’ as I did. 🌈👍👍😁
And ‘Yes’ I have always believed in the healing powers of our ‘Lord Jesus’ ‘Isaiah 53:5’ and the ‘Eastern Medicines’ too. That have been around for centuries. All things work together for our good!!! Philp 4:19😉😁Nancy


“Johanna is a wonderful person with a passion to promote natural health and healing. Not only is she a outstanding healer, she is able to do what many practitioners are unable to do, be a successful practitioner as well as a successful business leader. Whatever she invest her time in is always of the highest quality. I highly recommend Johanna”
 Dr John D’Amanda

Practitioner: Johanna Oosterwijk (940) 380-8728

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