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Vitamin B12 and Determination

 Vitamin B12  and Determination

Determination is the Vitamin B12 for your Soul that Unleashes your Full Potential.  It is an essential nutrient for the body and is also responsible for aiding DNA replication and energy production for metabolism.

Hand holds a box of vitamin B12This of course is a known fact in micro biology; however, there is another rich reservoir of energy that lies not in the body nor the mind but in your life force – that mysterious energy is called determination. strong, suddenly because of our determination we could conquer mountains (like I did this year by climbing Kilimanjaro) and greater obstacles in life. Some people who have the strong will to live not only survive the worst of accidents but even manage live as active as they were prior to the dreadful event.

Understand that You’re Going to Have to Make Sacrifices

It’s impossible to achieve your dreams and goals without sacrifice. Giving up a few hours of sleep each night, investing all of your savings 3d small people - rewarding of winnerseven go as far as putting everything in your life on hold in favor of working toward your dreams in order make it a reality. Unfortunately, there are more people who are willing to say that they would pay the price to achieve their dreams than the people who actually do it.

Professional Olympic Athlete, John Troup knows the meaning of sacrifice better than anyone else, as he wrote in his article in USA Today “The average Olympian trains four hours a day at least 310 days a year for six years before succeeding. Getting better begins with working out every day. By 7:00 a.m. most athletes have done more than many people do all day.”

By putting in the disciplined effort to excel at your profession, craft, or trade you can become world class in whatever you do and it does not necessarily have to be about sports.

But you must first know what the price is before you decide to start paying it. Investigate what it will take to achieve your desired goals in case you’re uncertain as to what it will take to make your dreams come to life. Read books, blogs or watch documentaries about the people who have tried to achieve the same goals as you did before you. If it is possible try to interview them personally about their experiences, the drama, joy and lessons that they learned from it.

Some prices that you are required to pay will cost more than material things. You must choose which ones are worth paying for and which ones to pass up, but in the end it will all be up to you.

Dream Big, Set Goals, Take Action chalk drawingCommit yourself to achieving your dream, no matter what it takes if the price is something you are willing to pay. Your willingness to do whatever it takes is the secret that makes you follow through in the face of challenges, setbacks, pain, and even personal injury.

You can’t Stop Adversity and Discouragement but you Can be Strong Enough

The way to your ultimate triumph is not paved with bricks made of gold and you are bound to meet with disappointments, setbacks, and failure; no matter how well you plan and how well you execute your plan. Sometimes, the odds you will face may seem so overwhelming. At other times, the Universe will test your commitment to the goal you’re pursuing.

It requires you to learn new lessons, make difficult decisions, develop your inner resources of character and courage as well as give you the opportunity to develop new parts of yourself. So when the going gets tough take a dose or two of “determination” and say no to giving up, because if you keep pushing just a little harder, that mountain will move.

Johanna Oosterwijk

Johanna Oosterwijk

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