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The humble celery plant is often known for its combination with other plants or ingredients to create raw, fresh and highly nutritious juices. However, did you know that pure celery juice comes with unique healing and regenerating properties not seen in any other juice. I am starting every morning making my own celery juice with my Vitamix blender.

What is celery?

Celery is a type of vegetable. It can be consumed as vegetable or prepared as juice.

The vegetable has many health benefits that are only magnified by juicing. Researchers in the medical world have proved that celery juice is rich in nutrients. The nutrients present in this juice help us get several health benefits for our hair, skin, and general health.

Regardless of where you live or what diet you follow, drinking celery juice is a beneficial practice to incorporate into your life. Below, are the health benefits you get from drinking celery juice.

  1. Prevents cancer

Drink celery juice to keep cancer at bay. Celery juice is loaded with eight types of anti-cancer substances that prevent cancer in several ways. These ways include; acetylenic content present in the juice helps to inhibit the growth of tumor cells, phenolic acid makes the prostaglandins hormones inactive, and the phyto-nutrient prevents free radicals from destroying the DNA of the cells.

  1. Controls blood pressure

High blood pressure is among the leading causes of death. Fortunately, with celery juice, you can control your blood pressure. One glass of celery juice controls your blood pressure by diminishing the section of stress hormones. Additionally, it relaxes the muscles around your blood vessels, which in turn makes the vessels to be dilated to allow blood to flow through smoothly without building up the pressure in the inner walls of the vessels.

  1. Lowers cholesterol

Drinking celery juice offers you an excellent remedy for lowering the levels of cholesterol in our body. It’s because it contains a chemical compound referred to as 3-n-butylphthalide that provides you with positive effects on reducing the ‘bad; cholesterol in the bloodstream. Moreover, it boosts the secretion of steroid or bile acids responsible for lowering cholesterol too. Putting this into perspective, two stalks of celery can reduce levels of cholesterol up to seven points.

  1. CeleryPrevents digestive disorders

Digestive disorders can bring you down. But with celery juice, you can say no to these disorders. The juice contains lots of fibers that discharge certain nutrients to your body to prevent digestive disorders such as constipation through making the bowel movement smoother.

  1. Strengthens the bones

If you take a close look at celery, you will realize it looks like bones. Well, that translates to the nutrients relevant for making your bones strong. Celery is rich in silicon and calcium which help to strengthen and regenerate damaged bones. Furthermore, it’s also high in vitamin K which plays a crucial role in protecting your bones against osteoporosis and improving bone metabolism.

  1. Detoxifies your body

This magical juice is alkaline and extremely hydrating; therefore, making it effective in balancing the level of PH in your body as well as neutralizing acidity in your body. Through this, your cells get protection, and the essential mineral levels are balanced. Additionally, the combination of potassium and sodium in this juice helps in promoting urine production and regulating fluids in the body since the combination makes the juice natural diuretic.

  1. Purifies your bloodstream

Apart from keeping your blood pressure under control, celery juice purifies your blood. It achieves this by containing a specific compound known as coumarins responsible for promoting the activity of white blood cells and assisting the vascular system. In turn, this purifies the bloodstream and improves the blood flow.


Celery juice is fresh and loaded with a variety of nutrients. The juice contains almost all essential antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that help in regulating the natural functions of our body. Add celery juice to your diet and receive all these benefits.



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