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Unbelievable Remedies for Peptic Ulcers

By August 22, 2013June 25th, 2014Depression, Nutrition, Stress Management, Yoga

Unbelievable Remedies for Peptic Ulcers


Stomach painPerhaps 2 out of every 10 people on the planet have had peptic ulcer or are still suffering from it; in fact, some of my friends in one time or another went through this ordeal in their lives. Gastric, peptic or duodenal ulcers are caused by over production of stomach acids that strips off your stomach lining and cause it to sore. While your body creates new stomach lining every 72 hours, the over production of gastric acids in your stomach could eat it away faster than what your body can produce under normal circumstances. There are actually OTC (over the counter) drugs that are used to cure stomach ulcers such as Rabeprazole which is a proton pump inhibitor Aluminum Hydroxide (an antacid medication) and many others. However, there are also some alternative duodenal ulcer treatment methods that are fairly effective even by most accepted medical standards.

Signs and Symptoms

Most people refer to the stomach as some kind of grinder or a wheat mill and this is somewhat scientifically true in the sense that it breaks down food into essential chemical components that the body absorbs as nutrients. More than we humans are also carbon-based organisms which means that any combination of sugar compounds will become some type of acid and are corrosive to some extent. Gastric juice, in excessive amounts, regularly breaks down anything in the stomach – including the protective stomach layers. The symptoms of a peptic ulcer may include abdominal burning and gnawing pain, melena (tarry, foul-smelling feces), changes in appetite, vomiting or hematemesis (vomiting of blood) and weight loss due to deteriorating appetite and severe stomach ache.

Nutritional Therapy Approach

Fortunately, nature has already produced foods that can counter or totally heal your ulcer problems and alternative medicine experts highly recommends nutritional therapy for people who have peptic ulcer. Nutritional therapy includes:

  • High-fiber diet – people who are suffering from duodenal ulcer are required to eat plant foods that are rich in fiber as it aids in the thickening and protection of the stomach Vegetableslining. A lot of patients have reported being cured from their ulcer simply by including more fiber in their meals. Since it is also natural, there is no need to worry about going over the limit and it’s completely safe.
  • Food elimination – some medical experts think that peptic ulcer is caused by certain allergic reactions; thereby using the process of elimination they are able to pinpoint the kind of food that causes the allergy in some patients. This method is also very effective in curing gastric ulcer without having to take medications.
  • Food supplements – vitamins A, E and zinc are known to have properties that heal damaged stomach linings because of excessive gastric acids. Cabbage juice has also been proven to work in curing duodenal ulcer. 


Another non-invasive duodenal ulcer treatment is the use of herbs that have amazing healing properties, which cures diseases and some even provide exceptional relief upon application. The slippery elm’s bark is a prominent herbal medicine for peptic ulcers and is often used by alternative medicine practitioners (including myself). Licorice, with its glycyrrhizin acid, not only soothes the mucous membranes but also strengthens them, thus preventing any subsequent stomach ulcers. Robert’s Formula is also a very effective stomach ulcer potion and some of its ingredients are already well-known to the medical science as well as alternative medicine practitioners’ community. Herbs such as slippery elm, comfrey, goldenseal, marshmallow root, other herbs, Echinacea (purple coneflower) and cabbage powder.

Traditional Chinese Methods for Healing Diseases

Shirodhara-1Traditional Chinese medicine is well-known across Asia for its effectiveness, non-invasive properties as well as its not-so-expensive price. Among the ancient healing traditions practiced by the Chinese include massage therapy, acupuncture and herbal therapy. Over millions of people rely on this ancient healing method spanning thousands of years of Chinese history, in fact, other cultures in South East Asia have also been influenced by this ancient tradition.

Hypnotherapy, Meditation and Yoga

Psychologist have determined that some stomach ulcers are directly linked to work and emotional stress and so recently hypnotherapy, meditation, Ayurvedic meditation and yoga have been employed as ulcer treatments. Some of these methods will require the patient to totally change their lifestyles in order to avoid particular triggers of stress so this could be taxing for some people, especially those who have trouble letting go of their old habits.


Johanna OosterwijkJohanna Oosterwijk

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